On Tues., Mar. 20 I taught an A-MOtivational workshop to the Administrators Association of San Diego.  The AASD is comprised of San Diego City Schools principals, vice-principals, security managers, food service managers, landscaping managers, and more.

My workshop taught them how to utilize the See the Good (STG) method in facing their daily challenges, plus how to prepare students to BE the good within social problems.
Afterwards, different administrators told me they were going to utilize this method in dealing with budget cuts, bad attitudes, even uncooperative staff.
But one lady really touched me. She had lost a daughter to suicide.  She really needed to just see the good again in life.
I grieved with her.  Hugged her. And also told her about friends who’d lost loved ones to cancer, leukemia, and more, and how they created foundations to help OTHERS battling the same pains. There is no timetable or deadline for mourning, I told her. But that she needed to create SOMETHING positive out of this horrendous experience.
By the end of our talk, she said she felt encouraged and uplifted. She was ready to See the Good amid her pain.  That’s why I do this.